I will be running a Parenting after Parting session on Wednesday 18th September at 6pm at my office in Altrincham. This session will focus on parenting planning: what is a parenting plan, what should it include, why do you need one, reviewing your plan.

As a professional working with families who are changing shape I am sensitive to this time of year; September marks the start of a new school year and for some families this will coincide with parental separation and enormous emotional upheaval for a family.

If you might feel supported or assisted by attending the session I am running then please do call or email me. The session will last one hour and costs £50. It will be full of helpful tips, resources and guidance to support them at an enormously difficult time.

Some parents prefer to attend such a session privately or with the other parent from whom they are separating. These tailored sessions can of course be arranged to suit individual needs.